The recent arrival of the sun, along with the longer days have began to awaken the grass from its winter slumber. While the rough is still far to wet to get to, we were able to mow and clean-up the fairways this week, and boy, did they need it. Before to long, it will be a non stop challenge trying to keep up with all the mowing, and clean-up that comes with it, but until then we'll continue to mow what we can, when we can, and work on other projects as we continue to prep for the upcoming season.

On the North Course, we've completed two small drain lines and continue to work on another. The finished drain lines are at #1 and #13 greens as you walk from the cart path to the green. The drain line that is currently being worked on is to the right side of #9 fairway in an area that is very wet and messy throughout the winter and spring. On the South, we have began the process of trimming the trees throughout the course. This will help to make the trees look more aesthetically pleasing as well as help to speed up play by eliminating the need to lift branches to look under trees for errant golf shots. In the parking lot, Francisco has finished trimming the Yew's, which I think turned out looking great.

These are just some of the projects that we have been working on, and as always, your feedback is encouraged and appreciated!
The greens are in excellent shape for this time of year. Going to be a great season. Well done guys!