Due to a number of factors, we've decided to try something a little different with our hazard markers for the upcoming golf season. Instead of purchasing new composite stakes to replace broken, damaged, and missing markers, we are building our own markers out of PVC piping. One of the main reasons for this change is the rising cost of our current markers. A new stake made from composite material can run roughly seven dollars per stake! It is inevitable that each season there will be stakes that are ruined by mowers, golfers, and Mother
Nature, not to mention that fact that it seems like some just grow legs and walk away. To maintain a supply on hand as well as ensure that there is an adequate number of markers on the course can become a very
costly venture. Another problem we have with our current system is the fact that markers are moved by both golfers and maintenance crew members and then not returned to their proper location. This can become a bigger problem in the winter when we do not paint the hazards and golfers rely on a stake to stake line of sight to define hazard boundaries.
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