Although its felt like it for some time now, today officially marks the beginning of Winter. One of the questions that we field a lot down here this time of year is "What do you guys do during the Winter?" First of all, you have to remember that our crew size during the Winter is significantly smaller than during the golf season. Even though we don't mow with the same frequency this time of year, when we do get a break in the weather to mow, it takes a lot longer to complete. When we're not mowing, we are working on projects that we otherwise wouldn't have time to complete with a full mowing schedule. I thought I would take a few minutes and go over some of the projects we are working on.

One thing that we can all agree on is that there will never be enough drainage. We are committed to continually improving winter playability here at The Reserve. Installing new drainage is a time consuming process that can impede play, so we limit our installation to the winter time as to have the smallest effect on play.

We also use the winter time to remove all blackberries and other invasive species from the golf course. Each year we are required to remove all invasive vegetation from the Gordon Creek corridor to ensure a healthy and thriving wetland habitat for years to come. We also clear out blackberries around the boarder of the property to create a buffer and keep all boundary lines clear. This is also the time when the cattails and sedges in the creek systems need to be removed in order to make room for next years growth.

Finally, the photinia and arborvitae hedges around the courses have stopped growing for the season so we will prune them up to make sure they don't get overgrown as well as to ensure nice, uniform growth for next season.

Along with these projects, we continue to work on other smaller projects to improve the golf courses for the upcoming season. If you're one of the golfers who's willing to brave the winter weather, you're sure to see us out there so feel free to stop and say hi. Happy Holidays!
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