I'd like to take this opportunity to review, as well as update the progress of a few of the topics I've discussed in previous postings. Right off the bat, lets talk about geese. We all know that their
presence as well as the
presents they leave behind are very much a nuisance. Without the ability to use agricultural fireworks, we've had to revert to some techniques we've used in the past. In conjunction with physically chasing them off, we've placed white trash bags on wooden stakes and posted them around the ponds. The white bags are suppose to replicate swans and discourage the geese from landing. Although it's not 100% effective, it can keep some of them away. Also, we've placed a flashing construction light out on the bank on #3 north. It has been said that the flashing light will disrupt their sleep pattern and they will seek shelter elsewhere. It's not proven but we'll see how it works.

In other news, the trimming of the photinia has been finished on the south and we continue to trim the photinia on the north. Our hazard stake replacement and blackberry removal projects are progressing and we've also began to trim the roses around property in preparation for the growing season. If anyone has any other questions related to the golf course, we're always happy to answer them. Have a great week and tee it up while the suns still out!